Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Winter blahs

Well Blah. The holidays are over, and now we're in this horribly long stretch, waiting so impatiently for spring to come.

I, alas, have been stuck indoors way too much in the last month, though I was working outdoors during that nice cold snap we had, bundled in 4 sweaters and every other warm thing I could find! You would think with all the snow we've had in the past 3 weeks, it would be perfect for outdoor fun, but since there's about 3 feet of snow on any of the forest service roads we're not getting anywhere! Even taking Kyra for a walk around the block was taking your life into your hands up until a couple of days ago!

On a brighter note, Jen and I have made a pact (maybe!) to start running/walkign together in an effort to look fabulous for some important weddings we both have coming up this summer! I'm putting it in writing- no backing out now! Half new years resolution, half chance to hang out and gab with a friend! Regardless, I'm happy to have such a good friend agree to do this with me!

So I'm sitting here dreaming of warm sunny days and the endless, rich green of spring and summer...