Friday, March 13, 2009

Toba Inlet camp shifts

I have recently spent 23 days in 4 different shifts working up in toba inlet. We needed an extra person and so my boss asked Jordan to come along with us. Our company has been assessing the newly cleared power line right-of-way for potential hazard trees. This involves walking the whole length of the line and looking at the trees along the edge. Because of the extreme terrain the last two shifts were almost entirely heli access only. Above is a video (taken with our little digital camera) of an amazing day we spent working at 900m elevation in the Daniels Pass which connects Toba inlet with the Powell river side. It was very cold the day and clear while we worked up there, which allowed us to stay on top of the 6ft of snow on the ground. Kiewit would not let us walk across the frequent avalanche chutes coming down across the line, so we were moved several times throughout the day by the helicopter.

This video is of the ride through the Daniels pass on our way to work in the morning. This day looks amazing, but there was many, many days of horrible weather and equally horrible terrain leading up to this day. It was a nice way to finish off the contract for sure! I'll post some more pictures once I sort through the thousands we took.