Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Triple Peaks Hike

On Oct4, 2009 Jordan, Kyra, Pat and I climbed Triple Peaks. It was beautiful day with fresh snow at the top. It took us about 3 hours to get all the way up to the middle peak. The other two were too treacherous with snow and ice. The view was defiantely worth the climb!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Autumn in Ontario

I headed to Ontario with my family after the passing of my grandpa the day before my birthday. While the trip was under sad terms, it was also a chance to visit with relatives that I don't get to see often enough. It was also my first time in Ontario during autumn and the leaves were just starting to change color. They did not disappoint!

Grandma and Aunt Lori making Grandpa's favorite- Chicken Spaghetti

The fam on the dock at Bruce and Linda's Cottage

Beautiful Georgian Bay

Matt and Mom on a stroll through the woods

My cousins Ian and Ben on a frog hunt.