Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's all worthwhile!

Ever have one of those days thats makes you take a step back and think that all the crap you put up is worth it to be exactly where you are right now? I left powell river this morning on a chartered water taxi, so there was only my partner and I on board, and it was just the most beautiful spring day (in January). The water was calm, the sun was rising through the fog and clouds and the wildlife was out.

Because we were the only ones on board, we made a couple quick stops- the first to a sea lion colony that I had been to the previous summer and had been really dissappointed with my photos taken with my old camera. Well today's pics put a HUGE smile on my face. We got to within about 10m on a large sea lion that was not giving uo her place on the rock and sat and posed for me for several minutes.

Snow capped mountains were gleaming in the early morning sun, and our next stop was to see the mountain goats on their sunny south facing cliff face. While they were pretty far away, I'm happy to say that you can at least tell that they are goats in my pics!

Alas I forgot my camera cord at home, so you will have to wait until next week for pics, and i will have to wait until then to see them on the full screen, but I am already thrilled with them! I love my new camera!!