Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Emma Lake Snowshoeing

Jordan and I headed out to snowshoe up to Emma Lake on Saturday Feb 20, 2010. It was a spectacular day with crystal clear skies and warm sunshine. The snowshoe up was a tough climb up a long steep slope, but well worth the sweat! We were rewarded with stunning snow capped mountain vistas, sparkling snow, and amazing light and shadows! Here's some of my favorite pics...

Friday, February 12, 2010

My Once-in-a-lifetime Photo Opportunity!

We saw this guy first thing in the morning and he was just a blur across the steep road we were driving up. I originally thought it was a lynx because we really only got a look at his hind end. Then at the end of the day we were driving back along the mainline and saw something moving off the road and stopped and Mr Bobcat stopped and stared at us for just long enough for me to grab my camera out of the backseat and snap a couple pics through the truck window!

What an amazing experience to see what is normally a very elusive animal, and made my week. I was even happier that the pics turned out okay because I didn't even have time to check my settings or anything. What makes it even crazier was I actually stared at my camera back this morning as I was getting ready, trying to decide if I should bother bringing it! I won't second guess that option again!

Sunday, February 7, 2010