Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Emma Lake July 18, 2010

Jordan, Pat, Dave and I (along with faithful guide Kyra the dog) set out on a journey up into the alpine of Powell River's beautiful backcountry early on July 18th. After a 2.5 hour drive, it took about 3.5 hours of steep climbing to get to Emma Lake and the forest service cabin. This was made all the more difficult by my 10 week old pregnancy! I battled some pretty severe fatigue for the first hour, but it seemed to get better after that despite coming into a couple feet of snow about halfway up. Here's some of my favorite photos from the day
10 weeks pregnant

Falls coming out of Emma Lake

Ice still on Emma Lake

Looking back toward the cabin

Jordan and I and our baby to be!


The lake was freezing but Kyra didn't seem to mind!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stormy Day at Donkersley

Friday and Saturday were officially our first stormy days here on the beautiful sunshine coast. Heavy rainfall and strong winds created some amazing photographic opportunities just steps from my front door. Here's a couple of my favs