Monday, September 19, 2011

Freda Mountain

 Last week I dragged my 7 month post partum butt up Freda Mountain in an epic 4.5 hour hike to the summit. The hike was even steeper than I remember, and I wanted to turn around several times.

The trails cklimbs through Old growth cypress and Mountain hemlock stands into a boggy subapline section with flowering pink and white mountian heather and White Rhododendron before emerging onto the Alpine ridge.

The bugs were nearly unbearable and both Jordan, Kyra and I were bleeding and swollen from numerous Black fly bites. There was still a ton of snow through the alpine sections of the trail- way more than past times we have done this hike.
The summit of this moutnain provides an amazing 360 degree view of the coast mountain range as well as the ocean and Vancouver Island and is covered in loose fragmented rock.

In all the hike took us 9 hours return, mostly due to my poor, out of shape, post-baby body, and I was sore for a full 7 days after!