Saturday, November 19, 2011

My newest inspiration

I must admit that I have been having a hard time keeping up with blogging and my photography in general, but I swear that I have a good excuse!

My son is now just over 9 months old and has been keeping me very busy. I'm loving every minute of being a mommy (...well maybe except for the 2am wake up calls), but alas it seems as though my image subject matter is changing. So I'm making my grand entrance as Nature girl: baby photographer! Definitely not my forte, but my neighborhood seems to be seriously lacking in grizzly bear and bobcat populations.

So here are a couple of my favorites of my handsome little man and I'm sure there will be many more to come.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Freda Mountain

 Last week I dragged my 7 month post partum butt up Freda Mountain in an epic 4.5 hour hike to the summit. The hike was even steeper than I remember, and I wanted to turn around several times.

The trails cklimbs through Old growth cypress and Mountain hemlock stands into a boggy subapline section with flowering pink and white mountian heather and White Rhododendron before emerging onto the Alpine ridge.

The bugs were nearly unbearable and both Jordan, Kyra and I were bleeding and swollen from numerous Black fly bites. There was still a ton of snow through the alpine sections of the trail- way more than past times we have done this hike.
The summit of this moutnain provides an amazing 360 degree view of the coast mountain range as well as the ocean and Vancouver Island and is covered in loose fragmented rock.

In all the hike took us 9 hours return, mostly due to my poor, out of shape, post-baby body, and I was sore for a full 7 days after!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My new website

I have finally got my official website set up and running. Take a look and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Emma Lake July 18, 2010

Jordan, Pat, Dave and I (along with faithful guide Kyra the dog) set out on a journey up into the alpine of Powell River's beautiful backcountry early on July 18th. After a 2.5 hour drive, it took about 3.5 hours of steep climbing to get to Emma Lake and the forest service cabin. This was made all the more difficult by my 10 week old pregnancy! I battled some pretty severe fatigue for the first hour, but it seemed to get better after that despite coming into a couple feet of snow about halfway up. Here's some of my favorite photos from the day
10 weeks pregnant

Falls coming out of Emma Lake

Ice still on Emma Lake

Looking back toward the cabin

Jordan and I and our baby to be!


The lake was freezing but Kyra didn't seem to mind!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stormy Day at Donkersley

Friday and Saturday were officially our first stormy days here on the beautiful sunshine coast. Heavy rainfall and strong winds created some amazing photographic opportunities just steps from my front door. Here's a couple of my favs

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

BC/Alberta road trip

Ahhh I am sooo behind with my posts! It has been way too nice of a summer to sit inside and go through the THOUSANDS of photos I've taken, but I thought I had better get started or I will get buried under a mountain of files. My new few posts are going to be totally out of order, and all depends on which photos I feel like looking at. So here we go...

Jordan and I took a few days off to go on a little road trip through BC and western Alberta. Our route took us through Glacier, Yoho and Banff national parks, then down through Kananaskis (AMAZING), along the Cowboy trail then back through southern BC. We drove about 2600km and actually ended up coming back a day early cause it was so freakin hot in the southern interior. I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I wanted to, but here's a few of my favs.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Photo Contest

About a month ago Jordan's Aunt convinced me to enter the Powell River Living Magazine Photo contest. I went home and looked it up online, and decided what the heck? Might as well... The grand prize? Free entry into the Coast in Focus Photography Seminar. Not wanting to miss out on the opportunity to attend this seminar, I signed up anyway, submitted my 3 favortie photos to the contest and promptly forgot about it.

I got a call this afternoon from the PR Living representative saying that my photo had won the grand prize, and in adition, another of mine was chosen as the runner up by a blind judging!! I am so excited and can't wait for the seminar this weekend! Here was the photos I submitted...

The winner....

The runner up: