Sunday, May 2, 2010

For the love of Toba Town

I spent the last two weeks of April up in Toba inlet supervising the tree planting that I spent months organizing. While the terrain was brutal and the days were long, I was blessed with some amazing photo ops (inlcuding one that is a stong contender for favorite).

Spring is a beautiful time on the coast especially in the valley bottoms where everything is fresh and green. So here is some of my favorites!

Love love love this one

Saved my favorite for last...


  1. All I can say is WOW. Your talent is inspiring. I love the carvings, but my favourite is the blue sky with the looming clouds. Magic!

  2. Thanks! The blue sky and clouds at the beach is my close second fav, and I love how the carving one turned out. you should have seen his tools, all handmade- just beautiful...

  3. Beautiful! You can almost smell the air.

  4. Thanks Mom, I'm pretty pleased with them!
